Seoul International Women’S Film Festival Starts ‘Film X Gender’ Contest To Support Short Film Production
Anyone with experience directing two or more films can apply ‘Film X Gender,’ a short film production support project hosted by the Seoul International Women’s Film Festival (Executive Chairman Lee Sook-kyung) and hosted by the Korea Institute for Gender Equality Education (Director Jang Myung-seon), will invite entries from January 30th. 'Film X Gender', which started in 2019 and celebrates its 5th episode this year, selects two short films with outstanding creative perspectives and provides production cost support and mentoring programs. The works selected as support films will be screened in the ‘Film X Gender’ section of the Seoul International Women’s Film Festival. This year, ‘Film X Gender’ has expanded the range of gazes dealing with gender issues in everyday life by changing the contest qualification to ‘an individual director who has directed two or more films as of the start date of the contest’. This year's contest will be held from January 30th ...