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JUCY JUDY launches 2023 S/S collection with New York graphic artist Lauren Martin

The artist’s representative artwork ‘Flower’, ‘Earth’ and 10 fashion items containing the sensibility of Juicy Judy were introduced TBH Global's young casual brand 'JUCY JUDY', which has collaborated with various global artists every year, has released the 2023 S/S collection featuring artwork by famous New York artist Lauren Martin. Lauren Martin is an illustrator who presents lively graphics inspired by the humor found in nature and everyday life. It is characterized by an artwork that stands out in a modern harmony of fun drawings and saturated colors that breathe life into objects such as eyes, nose, and mouth. In particular, he has collaborated with several global fashion brands such as Nike, Gap, Mulberry, and Uniqlo, so Judy Judy's collaboration collection is getting more attention and response. This season emphasized the movement toward sustainability and eco-friendliness with three types of collaboration artwork that added Juicy Judy's unique se...
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Overseas Koreans Foundation Recruiting Participants for the 12th OKFriends Volunteer Group

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2023 Musical ‘Secretly Greatly: THE LAST’ Spot Video Released

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National Institute of Ecology holds the 5th Endangered Wildlife Imagination Contest

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Seoul International Women’S Film Festival Starts ‘Film X Gender’ Contest To Support Short Film Production

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Resolution to enact Kimchi Day in New Jersey passes the House of Representatives

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Artlamp, Blockchain-Based Environmental Protection Campaign ‘Ocean Beyond’

Artlamp Takes the lead in protecting the marine ecosystem with free NFT airdrops containing the message of protecting the marine ecosystem Artlamp, a visual art content platform, is conducting an environmental protection campaign called ‘Ocean Beyond’ that uses blockchain technology to share art for free. This project is designed to preserve the health of the marine ecosystem and marine biodiversity, which is a global problem. 3D digital art NFT works produced by animator Cho Seung-hyun are airdropped free of charge until February 3rd to deliver the message of marine ecosystem protection to many people. The works are issued as non-fungible tokens (NFT) based on polygons, and are given a unique number. Therefore, since it is impossible to copy or forge, it has the advantage of guaranteeing scarcity. In addition, participants can exchange their own NFTs with each other, and as community members, they can participate in environmental protection through various events. In this ...